robotics club 08/03/2023
from machine import Pin, PWM, ADC from utime import sleep buzzer = PWM(Pin(22)) tones = { "B0": 31, "C1": 33, "CS1": 35, "D1": 37, "DS1": 39, "E1": 41, "F1": 44, "FS1": 46, "G1": 49, "GS1": 52, "A1": 55, "AS1": 58,…
Python#copy this from machine import Pin, PWM from utime import sleep banana = Pin(1, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)#*ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm led = Pin(28, Pin.OUT) buzzer = PWM(Pin(22)) buzzer.freq(1000) while True: print(banana.value()) if not banana.value():…
robotics club 2023/02/21
we will be making a sing-a-song project to-week! here is the base code: #copy and paste this into thonny! from machine import Pin, PWM from utime import sleep buzzer =…
3D Xmas Tree for Raspberry Pi
I got a 3d Xmas tree for raspberry pi yesterday. Yesterday was St. Nicolaus day. I was very happy with this little tree and I built it. You can read…
How to make a robot from recycled parts?
I am going to start a new project. I have an old Evolution Robot 8. I never will use it again. It was cool when I was 6 but now…