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The voice of a robot

from num2words import num2words
from subprocess import call

import time

text = input("Enter the Text: ")

cmd_beg= 'espeak '
cmd_end= ' | aplay /home/pi/Desktop/Texti.wav  2>/dev/null' # To play back the stored .wav file and to dump the std errors to /dev/null
cmd_out= '--stdout > /home/pi/Desktop/Texti.wav ' # To store the voice file


#Replacing ' ' with '_' to identify words in the text entered
text = text.replace(' ', '_')

#Calls the Espeak TTS Engine to read aloud a Text
call([cmd_beg+cmd_out+text+cmd_end], shell=True)

import subprocess['aplay -fdat /home/pi/Desktop/Texti.wav'], shell=True)
The voice our robot