I got a 3d Xmas tree for raspberry pi yesterday. Yesterday was St. Nicolaus day. I was very happy with this little tree and I built it.
You can read the assembly instructions here. Still, I took a few photos of the assembly.
I extended the original python code with a little Christmas music. You can download here if you want to use it too.
Here is the extended python code by me.
from num2words import num2words
from subprocess import call
import subprocess
import time
from gpiozero import LEDBoard
from gpiozero import LED
from gpiozero.tools import random_values
from signal import pause
print("* * * Merry Christmas * * *")
star = LED('GPIO2')
tree = LEDBoard(*range(4,28),pwm=True)
subprocess.call(['aplay -fdat /home/pi/Desktop/kari.wav'], shell=True)
for led in tree:
led.source_delay = 0.1
led.source = random_values()
subprocess.call(['aplay -fdat /home/pi/Desktop/kari.wav'], shell=True)