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Build & Design
Build & Design

robotics™ club™ thing

robotics™ club™ thing

Gaspar2020Feb 8, 20242 min read

This week, we’ll be making our robot avoid obstacles (or human hands)! The robot may be going in circles if you just let it go in a place without obstacles, that is due to differences between the two sides of…

micro:bit sound intensity detector

micro:bit sound intensity detector

Gaspar2020Feb 1, 20241 min read

in this project you will code your micro: bit V2 to write out the sound intensity. micro:bit V2computer with internetUSB cable step1: go to:

finished game

finished game

Gaspar2020Jul 7, 20234 min read

full code: import turtle import time import random delay = 0.1 # Score score = 0 high_score = 0 # Set up the screen wn = turtle.Screen() wn.title("Snake Game") wn.bgcolor("lightgreen")…



Gaspar2020Jun 28, 20234 min read

Continue by adding the following lines: while True: wn.update() if head.xcor()>290 or head.xcor()<-290 or head.ycor()>290 or head.ycor()<-290: time.sleep(1) head.goto(0,0) head.directoin = "stop" for segment in segments: segment.goto(1000,1000) segments.clear() score =…

Robotics 17/05/2023

Robotics 17/05/2023

Gaspar2020May 17, 20233 min read

what we have done: from onepixel import Neopixel np = Neopixel(2,0,18, "GRB") color = np.colorHSV(0, 255, 255) np.fill(color) add the following (to line 3) and modify the line 4:…